Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Quill: personalized and interactive grammar lesson for emerging writers

I am always on the look out for alternatives to traditional direct grammar instruction. In today's Effective Writing classes, students explored the web-based tool, Quill. The program provides a personalized and adaptive learning environment for students with engaging and relevant lessons. Students can be in control of their own learning by following the features or join the instructor's online classroom. The classroom gives instructors the option to plan and recommend lessons, track student scores and manage profiles. Did I mention this is a free tool!

Especially for emerging writers, revision is often and regularly resisted. Students find the revision process tedious and uninteresting. However, turns revision into a game. The passages are high interest and students are told how many errors they need to find, turning this into a search puzzle, while honing in their revision skills. Overall, quill is a great tool to get emerging writers engaged in the revision process. 

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